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How to Worship – The right way to be spiritual and 3 essential elements of worship

What is worship ? 

Have you ever wondered if you are praying in the right way and how to worship correctly for fast progress in your practice ?

Worship is more than just a religious practice—it is a way of connecting to your true nature and understanding the divine energy that exists within, or makes us, to be technically correct. 

It is a method of finding balance within ourselves and reaching out to the higher power that exists within us all. 

For many, worship is a way of life and a source of comfort. It is an act of praising and glorifying the divine. 

Worship can be an individual experience or it can be shared with others. It can involve a variety of expressions, such as readings, prayers, singing, dancing, meditation, and mantras. 

Why should we worship at all ? 

In order to understand the right way to worship, we must first understand the intention behind it. Worship is not about gaining something or achieving something. It is about connecting to the divine and aligning with the energies of the universe. 

It is a way to become more in tune with your true self and your environment – to get closer to our real self. The real self – that is more powerful and accommodating than we can ever imagine. One which helps us forgive others and burn all guilt that holds us back. 

That is why, whether you are a believer or an atheist – a Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, or belonging to any other faith – it is important that you approach worship with an open heart and an open mind. 

We must be willing to accept what we cannot control and be open to the energy that comes from within. We must also be willing to let go of any preconceived notions about what worship should be and accept that it can take many different forms. 

Earlier,  I used to wonder and laugh at the way people follow certain rituals in worship. More lately though, I have come to realise that everyone may have a different path depending on their experiences in the past. And so I have grown more open to the fact that there may be hundreds of ways to understand our own self – we must chose that feels natural and easy to us.

How to worship the right way – Establishing balance between Breath, Body, and Mind

Many of us tend to get caught up in the idea of worship in one way or another. We might think of it as only a physical practice, or as something that we do in a particular place and at a certain time. 

But all the methods have some practices in common. And the goal is one and the same for every method – knowing ourselves better and therefore, connecting with the power beyond how we perceive ourselves. 

Most methods would essentially focus on purification of these three elements of our being – body, mind and breath. Worship is a practice that is beneficial to our physical, mental and spiritual health, helping us to maintain balance and harmony in our lives. And so, taking conscious efforts to improve these elements would help us progress faster in our practice.

Balancing the Body, Breath, and Mind


When it comes to our physical body, worship should start with taking care of it. This means eating healthily, exercising and avoiding any harmful habits such as smoking and drinking. Taking care of our bodies also involves being mindful of our posture and movements, so that we can move with grace and ease.

In a lot of Hindu texts, the body has been called a temple – your body temple. And we do not spoil a temple or a place of worship – so we must take care of our health. In Yogic practices, Disease has been quoted as one of the 9 obstacles to success of the practice. So, the answer to how to worship starts with cleansing of your body first.

how to worship the right way - balance body, breath, and mind
Choose Rightfulness, Gratitude, Happiness Over other constraints as much as possible


Practising Rightfulness 

When it comes to our minds, we should strive to be righteous and practice thankfulness. Being mindful of our thoughts and feelings, and avoiding negative and judgmental thoughts, is essential. When our minds are clear, we are more open to the energy of divine love, and can connect more deeply to the source.

Practising Gratitude

Practising gratitude is a powerful exercise that can give us much more than what we believe we can achieve. Again, in Yoga philosophy, purification of mind is considered pivotal. In fact, in Ashtanga Yoga, the Eightfold Path, Yama and Niyama establish how one should consciously observe one’s behaviour towards oneself and others. 

Chose What Makes You Happy Within:

We should also strive to find what brings us happiness from within. This could be something as simple as taking a walk in nature, engaging in a hobby, or spending time in prayer or meditation. The key is to focus on what brings us joy, and let go of anything that doesn’t serve us.

An effective method to increase happiness

An effective method to do that is to make a list of all your daily activities. And then mark the ones that really make you happy. Your job is to increase the number and duration of such activities in your daily schedule. You can choose to outsource or delegate the other tasks. This is a great way to increase happiness in your daily life. 


Finally, we need to observe our breath. This means breathing in a slow, even, deep, long and continuous manner most of the time. Our breath is directly connected with our emotional states. If we get angry or anxious, our breathing rate increases. Put another way, if we have a smooth, even, and deep breathing, negative emotions cannot enter our mind naturally. 

Our breath is the foundation of our life force, and it’s important to take care of it. This means avoiding any habits that could disrupt the natural flow of our breath, such as smoking or drinking alcohol.

Who should I pray to ? 

When it comes to worshipping a particular name or deity, the answer is simple: it really doesn’t matter. Whether you are a believer in a certain faith or an atheist altogether, it’s important to remember that the focus should be on strengthening the bond that you have with yourself.

“I call him Rama. You can call him by any other name but have faith in him, surrender all worldly desires and passions to his will and without effort, become disciplined and principled.

Tulsidas , Quoted in “A Garden of Deeds: Ramacharitmanas, a Message of Human Ethics“, p. 5

How to be spiritual? Should I pray if I am an atheist ? 

The concept of a name or figure to worship is a fairly universal one, and it has been around for centuries. The idea of a “higher power” is one that many people can relate to, regardless of religious beliefs or lack thereof. With the advent of technology and increasing distractions in our life, it’s becoming more and more important to establish the connection that we have with ourselves. 

Think about it: if you have a strong sense of self and a good relationship with yourself, you are more likely to be content, fulfilled, and happy. It’s easy to look to something else for guidance or hope, but the best guidance and hope comes from within.

So, if you are an atheist and don’t believe in a particular deity, it’s perfectly fine. You don’t need to give your life to any particular name, figure, or religion in order to be happy. The most important thing is to be able to strengthen the bond that you have with yourself, and to be able to rely on yourself for fulfilment and contentment.

I hope that you liked this article. Much of what this belief comes from is from a month I stayed at the SRSG Ashram, and the daily practice thereafter.

Let me know in the comments if you have any specific queries. 

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