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Where is my happiness ? – 7 Ways to find happiness when nothing makes you happy

Are you feeling lost and uncertain in life? Are you trying to find happiness, even when nothing seems to make you happy?

It can be difficult to shake off the sense of emptiness and desolation when it feels like nothing is going right. It is understandable to feel overwhelmed, overwhelmed by the struggles of life. 

But it doesn’t have to be this way. There are ways to cultivate happiness in life. Actually, personally I believe it is we who call both happiness and sadness in our lives. Thinking a little deeper, both are flip sides of the same coin called life. The ability to feel happiness or sadness emerges from the same source – consciousness. And since all this is technically within our own control, the feelings like happiness can be created. 

Happiness is completely within reach, and it is possible to find it again. 

Below are five tips that I use to help myself when nothing else seems to be making me happy anymore. 

5 tips to cultivate happiness while trying to find your happiness

1. Re-evaluate Your Values

What is important to you? What are the values that you strive to live by? Re-evaluating your values provides clarity and direction to discover what truly makes you happy. Is it a career, a hobby, a passion?

About a year back,  I was at the top of my career – leading a large sales team and having grown on one of the fastest corporate growth paths. The success was steep, fast and staying on that track meant that I would have achieved all my financial goals within the next 3-5 years. But something was missing – the way I was working was not matching my value system and that was causing a disconnect internally. 

I talked this out with my wife, and decided to quit the job. Taking that sabbatical has made me more happy than any success could have made me. 

If you have happiness as a priority item on your list – a lot of things would tend to realign themselves. And this needs a realignment of your value systems.

2. Connect with Nature

When I left my job, the first thing I did was to head towards the Himalayas. My wife and I stayed in an ashram in Rishikesh for a month learning to practise meditation. To live on the shores of Ganga, and watch snowy mountains at a distance was rejuvenating beyond measure. And the lush green environment of the ashram clubbed with simple down to earth living was such a pleasant break from a life filled with material ambitions and phone calls. 

You need not head to the Himalayas to spend time in nature. Just go outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine if you are feeling sulky. Spending time in nature can be incredibly calming and reassuring. Nature can provide a sense of peace and tranquillity, and can be beneficial for both mental and physical health. 

3. Exercise

Research has shown that physical activity can improve mood and reduce anxiety and stress levels. Exercise releases endorphins, the feel-good chemicals in the brain. It is a natural and best stress reliever I have ever come across. So why not try to incorporate some physical activity into your daily routine. Even a short, 30-minute walk can be enough to make a difference.

Last year, a big change that my wife and I incorporated in our lives was a 5 days a week strength training discipline. The training consisted of home workouts with only dumbbells and bodyweight. Clubbed with the right nutrition and sleep, this routine helped me cut almost 20 kgs of weight. It obviously gave me a lot of happiness because the decreased fat took away most of my breathing and sweating issues.

4. Connect with Loved Ones

Having meaningful connections with the people you care about can provide a sense of comfort and acceptance. Spend time with people who make you feel good, and don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need it.

Spend more time with your parents, siblings, friends, and you will see a lot of happiness building up around you. 

5. Practice Mindfulness

Practising mindfulness can help to bring your attention to the present moment, allowing you to appreciate the little things in life. Mindfulness can be beneficial for managing stress, and can help to reduce rumination and negative thinking.

Mindfulness is easier said than done and is much deeper than practising exercise. Actually if you move from controlling body to controlling mind, the endeavour becomes more difficult but more rewarding. It has its scientific basis in Yogic Science, but we will discuss that in some other post. 

But there are certain scientific practices that can help increase your mindfulness and focus. Some of these  are relaxation sequences that are derivatives from a powerful yogic practice called Yoganindra. 

To sum up, finding happiness can be challenging, especially when nothing seems to make you happy. But with these tips, you can start on the path to finding your own happiness. Take it one step at a time and you’ll be back on track before you know it.

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